Monday, April 23, 2007

Hilton Methodist Youth host a "Praise Party"

Hilton Methodist Church
Friday 11th May 7-9:30pm
Guest Speaker - Mike Howle (Wesley Methodist Church)
More details contact either:
TK @ 073 493 9678
Caitlan @ 084 801 0676
Andrew @ 083 231 7831

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Scratching where it itches

The leaders set 3 priorities for 2007. This was done so we could get something accomplished before the year disappears. We will gather for a more comprehensive vision setting workshop at the end of the year. You can download the outcomes of the workshop here

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Surprise

To all those who responded to the Grace of God on Easter morning I want to thank you for your willingness to be vulnerable. It is not easy responding in public, but it also helps us make real the feelings and choices going in our hearts. May God continue the refreshing work in your life and bring you to a place of much joy, celebration and meaningfulness. Shalom!

Fellowship group resources

The bible readings for the rest of April and the theme and book we will be using in the month of May can be downloaded here

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Holy Week with a difference

It has been a Holy Week to remember. The highlight for me was the Tenebrae/Taize service. I have not had the pleasure to do a multi-media worship service in that capacity before. The potential for further development is huge. The power comes in widening our expression of Worship from just words and song. There is place today to for other forms of Worship styles that are not tired and cliched. I hope to explore this form of Worship further, but it takes an awful amount of work, but then again what doesn't?

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

"COMPASS" the launch

The Hilton Methodist Church wants to bring into circulation a regular newsletter entitled “Compass” and Lord willing; I hope this can take place soon.

In practice I will be approaching folk for contributions in the form of articles and photographs and from time to time you could be asked to record your “take” on an activity, function or person within our Church. Here is a simple format to assist by covering most bases while leaving room to add your own reflections and anecdotes.

The approach is called the 5W1H method and goes something like this

• Who – are we talking about (e.g. The Woman’s Auxiliary, youth, over 40s, society steward, Hilton Methodist)
• What – An Event, function or role (e.g. A Passover Meal, the season of Lent, the catering portfolio, the worship group, Alpha Course, the evening service, Births, Deaths and a special occasions
• When – did this happen or is it planned to happen, is it part of an ongoing mission, a birthday, anniversary or special commemorative event.
• Where – you could be reporting from anywhere, on the spot, overseas, university and so forth.
• Why – the purpose behind the whole “happening”, a calling, a scriptural context, a vision and/or a blessing.
• How- this took place, is planned to take place, a call for prayer, for volunteers, an invitation, a miracle!! This is really important because this part is often the invitation for readers to engage, participate or interact with what has happened or is about to happen.

I hope and pray that in addition to this you would be inspired and confident to add your own flavour of Humour, Testimony and Personal Experience to the contribution. Confident that the 5W1H approach could see your article mushrooming out of all proportion, I remind you that we only need a few paragraphs and so seal this note with a KISS (i.e. Keep it Short and Simple)

Yours in Christ