Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nov 22 - Questions of Faith ( Bill Houston)

1. Have you ever been asked a question that had an important or challenging
impact on your life?

2. List some of the questions that you can recall Jesus asked. What are the
questions trying to achieve?

3. If Jesus were alive in South Africa today, what emotionally and politically
sensitive questions might he be asked to test him?

4. What question could Jesus be asking you in order to deepen your faith and
trust in him?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nov 1st - Questions for Fellowship Groups

1. How do you understand financial giving in the light of O/T thinking.
2. Do you think the amount you give matters and why?
3. What does the N/T say about financial giving?
4. In this modern age, what would you say is/are the biggest challenge/s in giving financially to the church as you think God wants you to?
5. Briefly share an issue or issues you struggle with in this regard

(Thanks Dennis)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fellowship Group - Click link below

I will be asking all preachers to give us questions so that those groups using Sunday sermons as their material will have it every week.
Thanks... David
clipped from www.elca.org
 blog it

Sunday, May 24, 2009

24th of May - Thanks Bill

Bill, the Youth think you Rock!!!!

1.) What 'message' do we as a church communicate to:
- nonchurched members of the community?
- young people?
- young families?
2.) Are there any changes we could make in order to bridge the gap?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 17 - Thanks Dennis

Acts 10

1. What, for you, is the most significant message of this passage.

2. Peter crossed a barrier to reach out. Do you think he found it easy? Why?

3. Do you think the environment in which we grew up, has any impact on reaching out, across language, cultural and religious lines?

4. Is our Church 'open' to crossing barriers in terms of interacting with the world. Examples?

5. What, for you would be the most challenging part of reaching outside of your comfort zone.

6. Think of one situation/issue where you need God's help, in order to move out of of your comfort zone in terms of mission to others. (Silent reflection or sharing within the group where appropriate)

Conclude with mission focussed prayer.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Survey of Hilton Gardens

Click here and here if you want to get the results of the Survey done in Hilton Gardens.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Questions from Dr. Bill Houston's address

(Click and paste to transfer from this screen to a document you can print)

Readings: Matt 28 8-10 and 16-20 and Acts 1: 1-11.

Reminders from Sunday:

1. The 4 'alls'. All authority,
All nations
Obey all that I have commanded
With you always.

2. Main verb is to 'make disciples'

3. How?
Go to them.
Teach to obey
Baptise them in the triune name.

Some questions for small groups:

1. What has God sent Hilton Methodist Church into the world to do?

2. Are our activities mainly 'come to....' or 'go into.....' in nature?

3. What must we do to turn the church 'inside out'?

4. How effective are we in 'making disciples' as (opposed to pew warmers)?