Here are a few internet resources to help you with the Sunday's lectionary readings
1. The lectionary readings for this period can be found on this page ... click here. (Note - when there is an option of readings, it will be the top reading)
2. An excellent commentary for the Gospel reading is to be found at here ... click here
3. A great resource from the Lutheran Church in America - bible study for the lectionary readings that you download... click here
We are hoping to invite all members to an Engage evening. A fun time of getting to know folk in the church in a nonthreatening manner. We have a three course meal together and end off with communion.
I have added another link in the right hand column. This is DEWCOM (DOCTRINE, ETHICS AND WORSHIP COMMITTEE OF THE METHODIST CHURCH OF SOUTHERN AFRICA) If you are up for contoversy and debate around the latest thoughts and ethical dillemas facing the church, have a look.
Come and enjoy some time together in this beautiful setting. We are meeting at the church at 11:15am if you don't know where to go. It is a bring and braai, bring your picnic gear and lets have fun.