Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I have enjoyed the advent season and the sense of God's continuing shift into our darkness and mediocrity to bring hope and fresh life.
For all those who are away at this time we are thinking of you and longing to see you again in the new year. For those keeping the home fires burning may you ensure that Hilton and surrounds enjoy the sounds of Christian celebration and joy. For the first time in many years Anne, Howard and I will be away for Christmas. We are going to be with family up in the Thabazimbi area. I will be taking a Christmas service at the resident game lodge and will be thinking of you all. Many thanks to Ross Olivier and Errol Hind for taking our Christmas services. I leave you in good hands.
A joyful Christmas
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Getting wet
I may be accused of prophecy but after a sermon entitled "Do you want
to get wet?" the rain this week has pretty well done that for you.
There is also an apology to be made. Last Tuesday I said we would be
speaking about 'construction' well as you guessed that got rained out
and we went swimming instead. I will not forecast this Sunday just in
case THE WAY leads us astray again!
If you are brave enough why don't you email me and let me know how
'wet' you got yourself this week or some other time in you life?
(Don't worry about emails that go public anymore - I get the emails
first before they get posted to everyone else)
If you missed Sunday's message you can always grab a copy off the
church website and if you need prayer or a listening ear don't
hesitate to give me a call.
For those new on the list I also write a blog (no not a bog) and if
you want to subscribe to the page enter your email address in the
place provided on the blog (link below) or use the RSS feed for those
more pc savvy.
See you soon,