Thursday, January 20, 2011

David's notes


We dedicate the Young Seekers teachers this Sunday and we thank God for their vision and for the great things they have planned for the year ahead. 

I also bring your attention to the new Sunday evening teaching programme entitled - 'Unlocking the bible'. The first part on the Old Testament will run from February the 6th until the 27th. No prior knowledge is needed, so come along and learn with us. It will only be for one hour - from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. 
It will be led by our very own Dr. Bill Houston better known as Bill.  

Anne and I would like to thank the congregation for the end of year gift. It is much appreciated and we thank you for you generosity. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011


New Year greetings to you all,

I want to thank all those who helped out over the Christmas period and
for keeping the home fires burning. I have only heard good reports
about the worship.
Our Christmas eve service in Thabazimbi comprised of fifteen or so
people from the Angasii game lodge. We stood around a table in the
bushveld as the African sun set crimson behind us. It was the most
informal but beautiful Christmas service I have had the chance to lead.

Would you continue to keep the Hoctor's in your prayers and Sherryl
Yellowley who had a hip replacement on Wednesday after a nasty fall.


David Barbour
033 3431708
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