Thursday, May 28, 2015

A new way of doing things

Circuit (801) Statement by the Ministers

We desire to embody Christ's love for the world.  However, we confess that we have not always achieved this, failing in our mandate to be "Together a Transforming Discipleship Movement".


We therefore commit ourselves to the following:

1.   To work together as a circuit and not as individual societies.

2.   To explore ways in which to share our rich resources and assets – be they human or financial.

3.   To create effective disciples for mission by encouraging our clergy and laity to use their unique gifting in relevant areas.

And so we call our churches and every one of our members to:

1.   Understand our discipleship identity by embracing the Mission Imperatives of the MCSA, which are:

a.   Spirituality

b.   Evangelism and Church Growth

c.    Justice and Service

d.   Human and Economic Development and Empowerment

e.   Education and Christian Formation

2.   Explore ways in which to overcome our insularity by working together for increased efficiency

3.   To strive together to be agents of change and transformation.

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Friday, May 15, 2015

Royal Variety Performance



"The Winter function, "Royal Variety Performance" will be starting at 6pm on Friday the 19th June.

We will have a "bring and share with your table" supper. Tea, coffee and pudding will be provided.

We will even have our own 'Lady Royal' and her guests gracing us with their presence.

The evening is not a competition, but an evening of fun and sharing one's talents .

We are challenging all Home Groups, Society Stewards and other groups of HMC to come up with an item to share.

Auditions on the 31st May after the Sunday service at about 10:30.

Please contact or email me by the 29th May if you would like to share your talent.

Looking forward to a great evening"


Kind regards

Michelle Hoctor

083 772 4940