Tuesday, March 25, 2014

David's Notes


It was a wonderful church camp!  A big thanks to Trevor and Val Evans and the rest of the team for putting so much thought and preparation into it.  
The theme was 'Finding God in small places' and we did just that. We searched the wonder of God's Creation with our senses and found all kinds of little 'wormy' things. 
The children spend most of their time swimming whilst the parents and others cooled off under the trees.  Thanks to Dennis and Andre for those songs around the camp fire that took (some of us) back to times gone by.  I look forward to the next one.  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

David's Notes


Firstly, we want to welcome Michelle Hoctor as our first part-time children's ministry coordinator. 
Michelle will be starting a new children's programme for our church and we are excited with all she has planned. 

We start the 'Week of Guided Prayer' this Sunday.  Prayer guides from Durban and Johannesburg are descending on Hilton Methodist 
for a week in order to assist sixteen people in their walk with God. It is a retreat whereby you continue with your normal routine and  
meet once a day with your prayer guide.  Please keep these folk attending in your prayers over the next week. 

Unfortunately we cannot accomodate any more people but if you are interested in what this is all about go to www.ignationspirituality.com 
and find out.  We will by all accounts be running another one next year.  


Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708

Thursday, March 6, 2014

David's Notes


The Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa has asked that Lent 2014 be "a time of prayer leading to repentance which leads to discipleship and to reflect seriously about the social ills affecting our nation at this time." I will be leading a time of prayer and reflection every Thursday in Lent at 5:30pm.  We will be using a resource from the Methodist Church of Britain called "Exploring Spiritual disciplines." My hope is that as we take seriously the 'means of grace' we will allow ourselves to be drawn into the love of our God for transformation. Let us return to praying, fasting, giving, doing good and attending to christian fellowship this Lent.  May Lent 2014 be a time for you to remember as you return to follow Christ with all your heart.   


Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday Service & Call to practice the spiritual disciplines


1. Tonight we start the Lenten season with one of the most significant services - Ash Wednesday.

What is this all about ? 

The ash symbolises our mortality and the cross symbolizes our redemption through Chris't redeeming work. 
We are given time to re-prioritise what is important in our lives and remember God's eternal work in us.  

2. I will be running a short course through Lent on Thursday evenings at 5:30pm until 6:45pm, starting next Thursday 13th of March. 
It is called "Exploring spiritual disciplines".  It is an excellent resource from the British Methodist Church.   


Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708