Just over eight years ago, Andrew and I found out that we couldn’t have children. We knew immediately that we wanted to adopt and started the process straight away.
However … we weren’t Christians at the time. We were barely going to Church, had stopped reading our bible and praying, and just generally put our own wants before those of God.
It was only in 2005 that I started going to Church again and doing my daily quiet time, reading my bible and praying. I also started to get sick in 2005 and realized that I couldn’t do as much gardening and cleaning anymore. At the end of 2005 I got even more sick and it was during that time that I rededicated my life to God. I have always been a control freak, so it was hard for me to let go and let God.
During 2006 we grew more and more in faith and joined the Monday night Covenant Discipleship Group were we are held accountable for our thoughts, words and deeds. What a turning point that was for us and what a wonderful opportunity for us to learn from our brothers in Christ, Mike and Rob.
By this time we were praying in earnest for a baby and we came across John 14 v 14 that says “If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it”, so that’s how we prayed.
We also came across a book in the Church library called Praying for your Unborn Child and it told us to pray that our baby would grow strong and healthy; wouldn’t experience any separation anxiety; and that the birth would not be traumatic. We started praying for these things and prayed them every day.
I also prayed that he / she wouldn’t be allergic to animals or house dust; that all our family would accept him / her as a real member of the family; that he / she would recognize us when we met; and that the birth mother would have support and peace of mind about her decision.
Little did we know that our little angel had already been conceived at the end of March 2006 and that she was born on the 15th of December. We only found out about her on the 5th of March 2007 and collected her eight days later on the 13th.
I couldn’t believe it when I saw her. I had always wanted a baby with big eyes, but had never dared to ask for it and I always hoped that our baby would have blue eyes, like Andrew’s, and there they were – big blue eyes.
My brother prayed that she would be a happy baby and that she would smile a lot.
Now I am sure that all of you who have met our little Jessi will know that she is perfectly formed, that she is a happy and content little girl and that there is no way that she could have been this way if she experienced any separation anxiety since her birth, or any stress whilst in the womb.
It never ceases to amaze me how Jessi has been welcomed into our family, our Church family and the community as a whole. She even looks like us!
The Lord answered every one of our prayers and more besides!!
I urge you – do not be afraid to ask Him for your heart’s desire! Walk closely with the Lord and He will answer your prayers (right down to the smallest detail)!
Praise the Lord!