Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Disciple Bible Study

We are running this 34 week course in 2008.
Already we have 10 people who are registering.

Click here for more information on the web.
Click here for our brochure for Disciple.
Click here for a video introduction. (adsl)

If you are interested please email me (on web page) and we will keep you posted.
Cost: R200 & Run in School terms.

Group Impact - 25th November

Click here to get the the latest material for your Fellowship Group.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

David's blog updated

He makes an interesting point that our sense of the ‘immortality’ of all things breeds insipid sentimentality and/or violent behaviour... click here for more.

Group Impact

Click here to get the latest Group Impact for Fellowship Groups.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

David's blog updated

Healing means first of all allowing strangers to become sensitive and obedient to their own stories.... click here

Friday, November 9, 2007

Group impact

Luke 20:27-38

In our scripture reading today we are confronted with a group of Jewish leaders called the Sadducees. And what is most striking in this encounter with Jesus who is at end of his ministry is their belligerence and stubborn minds. Where many are accepting that this man Jesus may be the Messiah, a great healer, the Son of God, these Sadducees are so locked into their thinking that they literally start making fun of Jesus and his views.

They were the wealthy and politically connected in Israel. They were members and supports of the high priest and they accepted the Torah or the first five books of the OT as their authoritative scripture. But what we need to take note of today is that they didn’t believe in the Resurrection. The concept of the Resurrection is not found in the Torah and is not fully developed in the rest of the OT. There are beginnings of the concept found in Job 19:26, the Psalms 16:10, 49:15, Isaiah 25:8, 26:16-19, Daniel 12:2, Hosea 13:14, and Ezekiel 37 with the dry bones coming to live, but it is really a New Testament phenomenon.

So they try and trick Jesus by asking an inane question about the Resurrection to make him look a fool in trying to defend such a theology. They want him to look a fool before the Pharisees who did believe in the Resurrection. There aim, to discredit him and embolden their fixed beliefs and thinking.

… When we ask questions, let the questions be questions that come from a heart that will appreciate new answers. When we ask questions, let us ask recognizing that we don’t have all the answers and never will. None of us hold all the truth at one time. When we ask questions, let us see them as doorways into answers that may not be discernable at first, but may only materialize later on. Doorways into spiritual growth and not barriers to defend our hardened beliefs.

  1. What kind of questions keeps God at an arms length?
  2. What questions have you asked lately that will lead to spiritual maturity?
  3. Are you afraid to ask spiritual questions and if yes, why do you think that is so?
  4. Can you think of people in the bible who asked spiritual questions?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

David's blog updated

“ I would not have anyone adopt my mode of living on any account... click here

Bongani in Tumbleweed

There is a new minister for a new church near Howick in a town called Tumbleweed. Brentwood United Methodist Church has helped with the building of the church and they came for a visit last weekend. We had the Bishop of our district, the Superintendent, the new minister and the Brentwood guests for lunch in the Hilton Methodist Church last Saturday. I am going to be the supervisor of Bongani and we hope to build close ties with what is now called the "Brentwood Methodist Church (of Tumbleweed). The photo's are of the Mission director of Brentwood UMC giving Bongani a few gifts to set him off on his ministry and the Pastor Ray Huckaby with the local chief in the new church building.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

David's blog updated

Our inner search is not a solitary delving to separate us from the world around us.... click here

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

David's blog updated

“You know, … my whole life I have been complaining that my work was constantly interrupted, ... click here

Monday, November 5, 2007

David's blog update

“Without solitude of heart, our relationships with others easily become needy and greedy, sticky and clinging, dependent and sentimental..... click here

Sunday, November 4, 2007

David's blog update

“Instead of running away from our loneliness and trying to forget or deny it, we have to protect it and turn it into a fruitful solitude.... click here

Group Impact (New for Fellowship Groups)

Sunday 4th Nov - Luke 19:1-10

The story of Zacchaeus is a story of transformation. The message is that anything can be transformed, even the worst of tax collectors. There is no soul or system that is irredeemable. This Zacchaeus is famous for climbing a tree and getting a good look at the man Jesus. It hints that he was tired of being the outsider, the onlooker, and he was ready for something new. He must have got an almighty shock when Jesus decides to have dinner with him. The change of heart that is Zacchaeus’ is one of social redemption as well as personal. He is willing to do more than the law required to repay those he did wrong and he was prepared to live a changed life from that day on. If we have done wrong it is important to sort it out and with a sacrificial dimension. It is the sign of the changed heart. We should live as ‘debt free’ as we can. We should live in such a way that is not exploiting or robbing others of abundant life. (David Barbour)

Think back on the moment you accepted Christ as your Leader and heart changer.

What changes in your heart occurred during this time?

What changes happened in your relationships with others?

How can you ensure that your life is showing the same evidence of a changed heart today?

How has your change of heart brought economic justice in the world?

Friday, November 2, 2007

David's blog update

“ The roots of loneliness are very deep and cannot be touched by optimistic advertisement, substitute love images or social togetherness......... click here to get the rest.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Leader's Workshops

Your leader's are looking very serious as they plan for 2008! Think of them in your prayers. I look forward to 2008 it is going to be a great year. After our second workshop I will give you a briefing on what we discussed and the outcomes of all the 'talking."

Dinner & Dance

Dawn View Christian Camp - Fundraiser
Date: 3rd Nov
Time: 6 for 6:30pm
Venue: Wesley Methodist Church
Dress: Formal (Collar & Tie)
Cost: R60 per person
Contact: Lesley 0822567384 Shirley 0823603519
Refreshments on Sale

Monday, October 15, 2007

David's pen

Well done Al Gore ! Despite the slight exaggerations here and there he has put the environmental issue on the map for good. I went to the Church of the Ascension (Anglican) on Sunday morning and was impressed by the speaker, Allen Goddard. He is a lay preacher in the Anglican Church and he is the head of the 'A Rocha' Christian environmental movement in Pietermaritzburg. Check the website - A Rocha. He was a most inspirational speaker and we hope to have him preaching in the Hilton Methodist one Sunday. If you did not make the Sunday pm service, the theme was also around the theme of our Christian response to the generous gift of Creation. The thought that God gives, and gives, and gives and we take, and take, and take. The thought in scripture that God speaks to us through creation and how are we to hear God when our creations is spent and exploited. We hope to engage ourselves actively in looking after our part of the world in 2008. I am off on a "minister's retreat" until Thursday, so I will see you all on the weekend.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Library news

Please come and browse through our books! We have a wonderful selection.
We thank Theresa Crompton, Ria Abraham and others for the great books they have just given us. I am at the library (just inside the hall) after morning service and Val Buchanan is available for the same after the evening service. Hope to see you!

Lorna Preston

Testimony time


Just over eight years ago, Andrew and I found out that we couldn’t have children. We knew immediately that we wanted to adopt and started the process straight away.
However … we weren’t Christians at the time. We were barely going to Church, had stopped reading our bible and praying, and just generally put our own wants before those of God.
It was only in 2005 that I started going to Church again and doing my daily quiet time, reading my bible and praying. I also started to get sick in 2005 and realized that I couldn’t do as much gardening and cleaning anymore. At the end of 2005 I got even more sick and it was during that time that I rededicated my life to God. I have always been a control freak, so it was hard for me to let go and let God.
During 2006 we grew more and more in faith and joined the Monday night Covenant Discipleship Group were we are held accountable for our thoughts, words and deeds. What a turning point that was for us and what a wonderful opportunity for us to learn from our brothers in Christ, Mike and Rob.
By this time we were praying in earnest for a baby and we came across John 14 v 14 that says “If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it”, so that’s how we prayed.
We also came across a book in the Church library called Praying for your Unborn Child and it told us to pray that our baby would grow strong and healthy; wouldn’t experience any separation anxiety; and that the birth would not be traumatic. We started praying for these things and prayed them every day.
I also prayed that he / she wouldn’t be allergic to animals or house dust; that all our family would accept him / her as a real member of the family; that he / she would recognize us when we met; and that the birth mother would have support and peace of mind about her decision.
Little did we know that our little angel had already been conceived at the end of March 2006 and that she was born on the 15th of December. We only found out about her on the 5th of March 2007 and collected her eight days later on the 13th.
I couldn’t believe it when I saw her. I had always wanted a baby with big eyes, but had never dared to ask for it and I always hoped that our baby would have blue eyes, like Andrew’s, and there they were – big blue eyes.
My brother prayed that she would be a happy baby and that she would smile a lot.
Now I am sure that all of you who have met our little Jessi will know that she is perfectly formed, that she is a happy and content little girl and that there is no way that she could have been this way if she experienced any separation anxiety since her birth, or any stress whilst in the womb.
It never ceases to amaze me how Jessi has been welcomed into our family, our Church family and the community as a whole. She even looks like us!
The Lord answered every one of our prayers and more besides!!
I urge you – do not be afraid to ask Him for your heart’s desire! Walk closely with the Lord and He will answer your prayers (right down to the smallest detail)!
Praise the Lord!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Mad Hatter's Tea

Congratulations to the Youth, the Tea was a great success. You don't have to have crowds to have a good time. You excelled yourselves. By looking at these faces I think you did a great job.
Click any image for a bigger view

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Letter from David

I couldn’t believe it when Alan Bester our Superintendent gave us the draft diary for 2008. Either Alan has forgotten that this year still has a way to go or I have neglected to check my diary to realize that the end of the year is almost upon us. It seems as if Anne and I have just walked in the door. Thank you for accepting us as we minister and serve amongst you. It has been a great year and we look forward to many more.

We have been following a series of sermons based on a book from Dr. Kennon Callahan called “Small, Strong Congregations.” I have tried to condense the essence of Callahan’s thoughts without loosing any of his candid insight. We must not make the mistake and assume he is implying that we wish or ought to remain small. He is making the point that an obsession with numbers and growth for growth sake is wrong. The basis of his thought is that the smaller Church, limited in resources, needs to focus itself within its strengths and gifting. In simple terms we are to make the most of what we have. I loved his idea of creating a “Compassion statement” instead of a “Vision Statement” for the Church. How do we love the world around us in the best possible way? That should be the underlying question in planning any activity in the life of the Church. Callahan speaks about having one or two excellent missions rather than many. Masibumbane mission is one such mission, a mission we can be proud of. I believe it should remain as our main focus of mission from the Church and help it become even more effective than it is today. Let’s keep the mission foremost on our agenda and assist in any way we can.

It is just as important that we look after the members of our Christian family, their spiritual growth and worship. There are a number of good strong fellowship groups in the church and anybody wanting to grow spiritually can be encouraged and nurtured in these groups. However many of these groups are bursting at the seams and I suggest that we look at planting a few new groups. If you feel led to start up a new home fellowship group, please don’t hesitate to make contact with me.

As you may know we have been looking for a part time youth pastor to encourage and mentor the young leaders of our Church. We have found a young candidate in this regard and we will introduce him to you a little later on this year. We hope to have a team of youth leaders in 2008 that are given the opportunities of going through a recognized leadership course and are mentored by an experienced youth leader.

The new data projector in the church has provided a very helpful means to bring the multi-media world to our worship services. We have been able to show video clips, pictures, new liturgies and prayer, and even the odd movie which has helped us reach out in different ways to all generations. We thank everybody for your patience as we learn the technology.

There have been numerous requests for a Garden of Remembrance on the church property where members can scatter or intern the ashes of their loved ones. The leaders decided to go forward with the project and we hope in the New Year to have a tranquil garden where you can be left to your thoughts and prayer. The plans have been approved and we are currently looking for the best contractor. We will be asking members to purchase a donation of brick/s in order to cover the costs.

As the year draws to an end I ask you to pray for the leaders as they plan for 2008. Please note that on the 7th of December Rev. Sol Jacobs, Natalie Fish and myself are organizing a special Circuit Christmas ‘Taize’ service that will be held in the Wesley Methodist Church hall. Further details will be given later.

God’s strength


Friday, August 17, 2007

Small and Strong

We start a new sermon series based on the book by church consultant Kennon L Callahan called :


1. 26th Aug @ the 8.30am & 6:00pm services "SMALL IS STRONG"
2. 2nd of Sept @ the 8.30am service "MISSION AND SERVICE"
3. 16th of Sept @ the 8.30am & 6:00pm services "COMPASSION AND SHEPHERDING"
4. 30th of Sept @ the 8.30am service "COMMUNITY AND BELONGING"
(Following parts of the series will to be announced later)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Church Retreat


Led by Jim Johnston
3 Sessions and the rest in silent reflection

25th of August
@ Beth Shalam (Hilton)
Registration is at 8.45 a.m. and we end after tea at 4.00pm.
There is mid-morning coffee and lunch.
The cost is R70 per person.
( If you would like to come but cannot afford it please contact David)

Bring a bible and a notebook.
NB - Please indicate if you are going to attend.
Phone - 033 3431708 or Email barbour@absmail.co.za

Jude Simpson 2

Jude's poem "Unrequited Love" stole the hearts of some of our pm Worshipers. Here it is for those who want it... click picture of Jude.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The video that never showed!

To all those (everybody there) who never got to see the video that was meant to show on Sunday night. The poem that Jude Simpson wrote can be read on the web page below. It is a tongue in cheek look at how some want Jesus to be in a contemporary society. Click the picture to get it.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Youth Leader wanted

We are on the look out for a part time youth leader.
If you are interested in the post please contact us for further details...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Bible Study resources - 17th June until end July

Here are a few internet resources to help you with the Sunday's lectionary readings

1. The lectionary readings for this period can be found on this page ... click here.
(Note - when there is an option of readings, it will be the top reading)

An excellent commentary for the Gospel reading is to be found at here ... click here

3. A great resource from the Lutheran Church in America - bible study for the lectionary readings that you download... click here


We are hoping to invite all members to an Engage evening. A fun time of getting to know folk in the church in a nonthreatening manner. We have a three course meal together and end off with communion.