Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I have enjoyed the advent season and the sense of God's continuing shift into our darkness and mediocrity to bring hope and fresh life.
For all those who are away at this time we are thinking of you and longing to see you again in the new year. For those keeping the home fires burning may you ensure that Hilton and surrounds enjoy the sounds of Christian celebration and joy. For the first time in many years Anne, Howard and I will be away for Christmas. We are going to be with family up in the Thabazimbi area. I will be taking a Christmas service at the resident game lodge and will be thinking of you all. Many thanks to Ross Olivier and Errol Hind for taking our Christmas services. I leave you in good hands.
A joyful Christmas
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Getting wet
I may be accused of prophecy but after a sermon entitled "Do you want
to get wet?" the rain this week has pretty well done that for you.
There is also an apology to be made. Last Tuesday I said we would be
speaking about 'construction' well as you guessed that got rained out
and we went swimming instead. I will not forecast this Sunday just in
case THE WAY leads us astray again!
If you are brave enough why don't you email me and let me know how
'wet' you got yourself this week or some other time in you life?
(Don't worry about emails that go public anymore - I get the emails
first before they get posted to everyone else)
If you missed Sunday's message you can always grab a copy off the
church website and if you need prayer or a listening ear don't
hesitate to give me a call.
For those new on the list I also write a blog (no not a bog) and if
you want to subscribe to the page enter your email address in the
place provided on the blog (link below) or use the RSS feed for those
more pc savvy.
See you soon,
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
What a weekend!
We enjoyed the weekend so much. It was truly another mark in the history of grace in our church family.
The time of worship at Masibumbane was a signal of the new community in Christ and our Celebrate Christmas evening was another winner.
I am not sure how many people eventually came to the celebration but it was a full house and the youth of all ages excelled.
I think we will have to have a birthday party this coming Sunday considering there are so many of us with birthdays.
We will be doing some 'road construction' on Sunday - come and check it out.
A quote from a German social psychologist Eric Fromm for all those too busy this time of year:
" A half-hour of silence once day, twice a day if you can afford the time. That will do marvels for you health."
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Carols & things
Anne & I enjoyed the opportunity to visit another of our Methodist
churches last Sunday.
We joined the Wesley Methodist Church in Hayfields at their 9:30am
service. I must say I had a smile going to a 9:30am service :)
One thing I can say, we ought to be very grateful for living up the
hill and not in the heat of the sleepy hollow. It was very difficult
to concentrate due to the intense heat but despite it we enjoyed being
with other Methodist's in our circuit.
This week there are two Christmas services you ought not miss.
The first is on Friday at the new seminary in PMB. We are hosting the
first circuit carol service in the new chapel at Seth Mokithimi
Seminary. Bring a chair and a candle holder with you. It starts at
6:30pm. If you have not seen the seminary it is you chance!
The second is our very own Carol's and Nativity THIS SUNDAY at
6:00pm. If you have any queries about how to get there or what to do
don't hesitate to phone Michelle 033 3434953 or Cheryl 033 3433930.
See you on Sunday - can you believe it is Advent 1?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
It was a great day to thank God for his grace in many things done and
experienced over this last year.
I trust that our generosity on Sunday will go toward building a
community recreational ground that will give glory to God.
Currently we are in phase 1 of the project which is conceptualizing
how it will take shape etc. Very soon we will consult with
other folk in the church to help us put it together. This is all
acting in faith that permission will be granted on 'paper'.
I would also like to add some other words of thanks for God's grace
that were erroneously missing on Sunday.
Firstly I have seen the grace of God in the life of the Leader's of
this church. They have dedicated time and energy to
build God's kingdom and we thank God for them and all God is doing
through them. You have great leaders' committed to
do great things and I ask you to keep them in your prayers and to
support them as best you can.
Secondly I would like thank all those who do flowers on a regular
basis on Sunday mornings. You bring the Creation right
to our doorsteps and we are so blessed because of it.
Thirdly I know that Autumn Gold is a Fellowship Group but I would like
to recognize the wonderful way our senior's are cared
for by well planned events throughout the year. There is only
positive feedback about them.
Thirdly to those who have gracefully erected the Remembrance Wall for
us. It is there in the quietness of the beautiful garden
that we can worship God, find healing in our grief and peacefully
remember our loved ones.
Continue to remember this church in your prayers that it may be a
blessing to all who encounter it.
See you soon,
David Barbour
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
A time to give thanks
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
FW: Hilton - interruption of water supply
From: Dave Still [mailto:dave@pid.co.za]
Sent: 29 October 2010 02:27 PM
To: Neal Bromley (W) (E-mail); 'Dave Patrick'; 'Mark Graham'; 'David Barbour'; Bill and Joan Houston
Subject: FW: Hilton - interruption of water supply
Please pass on to anyone you think might need to know.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken K. Phillips [mailto:ken.phillips@umdm.gov.za]
Sent: 29 October 2010 02:12 PM
To: Pia & Kech Sanchez - Braeside; Pam Passmoor;
principal@sothebysrealtymidlands.co.za; DUCT Howick
Cc: Dave Still
Subject: Hilton - interruption of water supply
Hello all
I have just been informed that the water supply to the Groenkloof
reservoir will be interrupted for emergency work undertaken by Umgeni
water tomorrow.
Please spread the word around to as many people as possible to those
that live in Hilton and Winterskloof areas that the reservoir will run
dry at about 12.00 mid day tomorrow, and although I am told by Umgeni
that water will resume pumping to the reservoir at 14.00 tomorrow it is
likely that many high lying areas will be without water for at least 8
hours after 14.00 which is 10.00pm.
Thank you
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Sunday, October 24, 2010
Pineapples & Welcome mats
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
"Fruity stuff"
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
May 16 - God the Son is a missionary Son (Dr. Bill Houston)
Click here to download the notes and questions
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Questions for groups - Sun. 24th (Thanks Martin)
What is it about Jesus that makes you want to follow him?
What is your greatest hurdle in following Jesus?
Where do you think you fit in these three phrases?
i.e “The kingdom of God is near” ; “Come and follow Me” ; “I will make you fishers of other people”
How can the group pray for you to help you make the next step?