Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pineapples & Welcome mats

Hi there all,

This morning's service was filled with stories of pineapples and welcome mats.
Cheryl gave a very interesting talk to the children about how the pineapple became a sign of welcome.
Check out this internet site for some info

Later in the service I challenged all the ministries of the church to put onto their agenda the question:
How can we be radically hospitable to those we minister to and those we need to?
I also made the appeal for us to open our homes and our dinner tables to new folk in the church and/or those we don't know.
The sermon is always on the website if you missed out and would like to catch up.

I am so relieved my phone is working again. Sorry if I missed any of your phone calls.
Have a great week.

"You become the God you worship" Richard Rohr

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