Wednesday, April 18, 2012

David's Notes


Last Sunday was the first pulpit swap in our circuit for many years.  I preached at both the Wesley services and it was a great opportunity to meet other folk in our circuit. 
It was also a great pleasure to have Diane Worringham preach at Hilton and bring a taste of her new ministry at Prestbury Methodist.  

We would like to encourage all leaders and anybody who is interested to join us at the Global Leadership Summit in Durban on the 12 & 13th of October. 
If we register before the end of April we can get considerable reductions in the cost.  So please if you are wanting to come to reply to this email or send an email to Bill Houston at in the next week. For more information:
"The Global Leadership Summit is a trusted, high-caliber event that’s designed to transform Christian and Business leaders on behalf of the local church with an annual injection of vision, skill development and inspiration."
You are soon to get much information concerning the Lay Witness Mission happening in the beginning of June. It is very exciting to see so many folk involved on the committees and willing to make this a successful event.  


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