Thursday, October 9, 2014

David's Notes


It has becoming more and more apparent that the mainline churches need to take seriously how we do evangelism or if we do it at all. 
There has no doubt been a reaction against some of the methods used by others and unfortunately we have thrown the baby out with the bath water. 
We need to re-examine how and why we need to be about bringing others into the loving salvation that Christ brings. 

This Sunday night at 5:30pm we will be discussing ways and means of going about this important task.   
I encourage everybody to attend, especially anybody who leads ministry in any way at HMC.  


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What's going on ?

Only a privilege to help lead the Viljoen's Fellowship Group this evening.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

What's going on ?

Junior youth camp was a blast so I hear.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What's going on?

Can you spot the difference in these two photos? Our seminarians took Autumn Gold on a tour of the Methodist Seminary.

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What's going on ?

The confirmation group went out harvesting oranges last Sunday. All the oranges will be going to Masibumbane for distribution. Thank you to the Van Rooyens for allowing us into their lovely home and for offering their oranges to those who need it most.

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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Worship Workshop

Great day spent with Jill and Norma who traveled from Durban to inspire us with some new worship songs and ideas. Thanks to Rachel for organizing it.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

David's Notes


HMC assist four mission/outreach works from our tithe every year.  Paul and Anita Evans from Operation Mobilisation are one of these missions and they will be meeting with our youth and families this Sunday night.  Everybody is welcome to join us.  We have coffee and eats at 5:30pm and it normally lasts an hour.  It will be a great opportunity to get to know them a little more.  


Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708

Oranges and Lemons


Brian and Jenny van Rooyen have invited us to come to their home in Merrivale Heights to have a 'pick-a-thon' of oranges from their many trees.  
The oranges will be stacked into the back of my bukkie and will be gift for Masibumbane mission.

I need a few HMC volunteers to join Anne, Howard and myself.  
If you are keen let me know and we can either pick you up or meet you at the church at about 3:45pm this Saturday. 


Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Friday Nights at HMC

These are the children who are being reached with God's love on Friday nights. Your prayers and offerings make this ministry what it is. Thank You.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

David's Notes


Many of us have enjoyed listening to the profound messages of Trevor Hudson over the last few days.  
Trevor has a wonderful gift of being able to articulate the Gospel of Christ from a depth of experience and knowledge that has truly made him a master-servant in the area of spiritual formation.  
It was heart warming to see almost half of the Hilton Methodist congregation listening and absorbing all he had to say.  

If you were moved in any way during Trevor's talks and would like someone to listen, reflect and pray with you I would be more than willing to do so. 
May you continue to seek God's presence out in all your relationships with self, God and the world.  

I look forward to your email or phone call. 

Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Creation Service


This coming Sunday we are celebrating God's creation and we would love everybody to bring some object of creation to put on display in the front of the church. 
The best flowers, foliage or grasses are those found in your garden, it does not have to be anything fancy.  If you could bring your own vase that would make life easier. 
If your neighbour's garden looks better than yours - please ask them first :-) 



Thursday, June 12, 2014

A prayer for this week

"Give me to recognise in other men [woman], Lord God, the radiance of your own face. 
The irresistible light of your eyes, shining in the depths of things. Grant me now to see 
you in the most inward, most perfect, most remote levels of the souls of my brother-men [woman].
Lord, that I might hold to you more closely, I would that my consciosness were as wide as 
the skies and the earth and the peoples of the earth; as deep as the past, the desert and the ocean;
as tenuous as the atoms of matter or the thoughts of the human heart. Amen." 

- The prayer of Teilhard de Chardin

Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Global Leadership Summit


Our church sent a team of eleven people to the Global Leadership Summit (GLS) conference in 2012. Everyone reported very positively on their experience. We plan to go again this year and have booked ten places in anticipation.

Leaders are grown, not born and so we can all add to our understanding and skills as leaders.

The GLS comes from the Willow Creek church in the United States where, each year, top class speakers address a major conference. The DVD's are sent around the world to multiple venues to be viewed by tens of thousands of people.

WHEN? Friday and Saturday  October 24-25th

WHERE? At Kloof Harvest Church which means we will travel down together and not have to stay over.

COST? R500 if we book soon. There is some money available to subsidise anyone who might need assistance.

SPEAKERS? As usual there is a line-up of top quality speakers:

 Bill Hybels,  founding pastor of Willow Creek Community Church.

Louie Giglio, pastor and well known speaker.

Erica Fox, New York Times best selling author and president of Mobius Executive Leadership.

Patrick Lencioni who is a business consultant and an engaging writer.

Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of G E, one of the gigantic manufacturers in the States.

Carly Fiorina, the past CEO of Hewlett- Packard

Ivan Satyavrata, Pastor in Kolkata, India.

Catherine Kagina,  Commissioner General of Uganda Revenue Authority.


Please contact Bill Houston (Tel 033 3434951 or < to book your place. 


Check out this promotion video to get an idea:

Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Hi all, 

The youth and their families had another incredible "iLoveLife" day at Midmar last Sunday.  
If you had not sailed before by the end of the day you were a master yachtsman. The weather was not for the faint hearted with strong winds and crashing waves.  I am very proud of the youth as they climbed into the yachts and experience some of the most hair raising sailing they may ever experience.  It took me back to my early days sailing on the Vaal dam - exhilarating. 
After sailing the shivering bodies came and stood around the fireside in the clubhouse and shared their stories.  Thank you to everybody for making it such a great day. 

There was one rather narrow escape when Bill and Johan capsized on a catamaran and we had to rescue them, well done Bill, you are now a permanent hero in the youth team.  
The picture below is the rescue operation in motion.   


Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

David's Notes


A special word of thanks for everybody who contributed and who worshiped through our Holy Week services. It was a sacred space for us to reflect on who we were in God and absorb the nature of God's love. I encourage you to continue to savour the week and allow what God is doing in your heart to take root.  If the Palm & Passover services reminded you of your own oppression, be courageous to allow  God's plans for freedom take effect. If the characters of the Passion stirred something in you, keep asking why.  if Easter reminded you that love never dies, then take a chance and love despite the consequences.  


Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fasting & Prayer


Lent is an emotive time, especially when being reflective during the Holy Week. At the Passover meal we dipped spinach into salt water to taste the bitterness of slavery and oppression. The Jews have suffered under many oppressors from the Egyptians, the Romans, Nazism and many more. As we walk closely with Jesus during this Holy Week again the taste of bitter herbs is very real on our tongues.   If you haven't yet set aside a time to fast and prayer this Lent I encourage you to make the time this week.  Oppression comes in many forms viz. bribery & corruption, economic slavery, sexual prejudice, racial prejudice, child abuse, political totalitarianism, religious hatred, creation abuse and the list goes on.  I urge you to make a time to pray for the sins of our world: in our ourselves, our leaders, and our industrial, political and moral systems.  Let us lift up our world in prayer. From the Eastern borders of the Ukraine to the corrupt official in the municipality and to the way in which we claim our hands are innocent.

Lord have mercy 
We await your resurrection Love

Rev. David Barbour
033 3431706

Passover 2014 - Some memories

Rev. David Barbour