Lent is an emotive time, especially when being reflective during the Holy Week. At the Passover meal we dipped spinach into salt water to taste the bitterness of slavery and oppression. The Jews have suffered under many oppressors from the Egyptians, the Romans, Nazism and many more. As we walk closely with Jesus during this Holy Week again the taste of bitter herbs is very real on our tongues. If you haven't yet set aside a time to fast and prayer this Lent I encourage you to make the time this week. Oppression comes in many forms viz. bribery & corruption, economic slavery, sexual prejudice, racial prejudice, child abuse, political totalitarianism, religious hatred, creation abuse and the list goes on. I urge you to make a time to pray for the sins of our world: in our ourselves, our leaders, and our industrial, political and moral systems. Let us lift up our world in prayer. From the Eastern borders of the Ukraine to the corrupt official in the municipality and to the way in which we claim our hands are innocent.
Lord have mercy
We await your resurrection Love
Rev. David Barbour
033 3431706
033 3431706
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