Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Well done Youth!


Unknown said...

to all the hilton methodist youth...

well done on the praise party that we all managed to pull off.Im sure that yuou will all agree that the evening went very well. A huge thank you to the church and David for all the support and prayers.
I look forwad to our next project.

god bless you all


Unknown said...

we have had a bit of a busy year getting to know other methodist youths and getting involved in diffrent projects such as the praise party.

our main aim is to get other churches to recognise that we exist and i must say myself we have done a great job of that.It has been an experience learning from other youths and getting advice from the methodist youth pastors.A special thanks should go out to Mike Howell for all his help and input.without forgetting Andrew Kruger who has helped us out when we needed some one to step in at bible study.

lastly i would like to ask you to help us pray for a youth pastor,pray that someone will come up and that God would use him Greatly.