Tuesday, November 16, 2010



It was a great day to thank God for his grace in many things done and
experienced over this last year.
I trust that our generosity on Sunday will go toward building a
community recreational ground that will give glory to God.
Currently we are in phase 1 of the project which is conceptualizing
how it will take shape etc. Very soon we will consult with
other folk in the church to help us put it together. This is all
acting in faith that permission will be granted on 'paper'.

I would also like to add some other words of thanks for God's grace
that were erroneously missing on Sunday.
Firstly I have seen the grace of God in the life of the Leader's of
this church. They have dedicated time and energy to
build God's kingdom and we thank God for them and all God is doing
through them. You have great leaders' committed to
do great things and I ask you to keep them in your prayers and to
support them as best you can.
Secondly I would like thank all those who do flowers on a regular
basis on Sunday mornings. You bring the Creation right
to our doorsteps and we are so blessed because of it.
Thirdly I know that Autumn Gold is a Fellowship Group but I would like
to recognize the wonderful way our senior's are cared
for by well planned events throughout the year. There is only
positive feedback about them.
Thirdly to those who have gracefully erected the Remembrance Wall for
us. It is there in the quietness of the beautiful garden
that we can worship God, find healing in our grief and peacefully
remember our loved ones.

Continue to remember this church in your prayers that it may be a
blessing to all who encounter it.

See you soon,

David Barbour

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