Tuesday, February 17, 2015

David's Notes


I have just returned from four well spent days in Johannesburg at the first module of the spiritual direction training offered by the Jesuit Institute of South Africa.  What impressed me deeply was the ecumenical nature of this work that brings people together from the Hervormde, Catholic, Methodist, Anglican, Baptist, Charismatic and other denominations.  Having a Catholic mass on Sunday evening where all were invited to participate was an experience and sign of God's reconciling work and presence. What was also of great value to the Methodists on the training was the presence of Trevor Hudson as one of the team who will be nurturing us for the next two years.  This is a ministry of accompanying others in their relationship with God that holds the potential of allowing us to be and become all God desires of us now in South Africa.  It is becoming so apparent that the church (you and I) need to be serious about our presence, as God's people, in a country that is showing signs of falling apart at the highest levels.   

We start our Lenten journey this Ash Wednesday at 6:00pm. 
The painting by Carl Spitzweg called "Ash Wednesday" will assist us to listen careful to the scriptures and our approach to Lent.  


Rev. David Barbour
033 3431708

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